It is common knowledge that the government has issued targets for new build developments across the UK, which has made local authorities.
COMMUNITIES Secretary Sajid Javid MP has blocked a bid to build more than 100 homes on green fields on the edge of York.
The Minister has dismissed a planning appeal, which was lodged by developers who had seen both the City of York Council and the Planning Inspectorate, turn down plans to build 109 homes off Avon Drive, Huntington.
In his decision the Secretary of State agreed with the Planning Inspector who said the development would have been both inappropriate and harmful to the greenbelt.
York Outer MP Julian Sturdy said: “I am absolutely delighted that the Secretary of State has supported the objections of local residents against this speculative and inappropriate proposal for greenbelt development.
“When the plans were originally put forward I met with local residents on site to discuss their legitimate concerns.
“Local residents must be commended for their efforts in fighting off this greenbelt grab, and it was an absolute pleasure to work with them throughout this process.”