CK Architectural Company Update

CK Architectural Company Update

CK Architectural is a multi-award winning brand in the architectural industry that has been established for just short of a decade. As we all know, that decade has in fact become one of the most turbulent time spans in economic history. With economic recession, building and construction costs soaring and the cost of living crisis affecting both businesses and clients that we work with, ensuring our mission is continued has become paramount.

It is in fact in light of this that we have made the strategic decision to reshape the company and the brand that is CK Architectural. This above all else is to enable us to continue our mission of providing industry-leading value, service and quality to our clients that we work with moving forward.

In recent months both planning and building control have become more complicated and expensive. Less time and assistance are offered to architects, builders, designers, and most importantly of all, to clients. 

Legislation has changed on top of all of this too. Builders and clients both now have more responsibility in the build procedure than ever before, checking work complies and things are done properly. Planning is more expensive and less time is allocated for planning officers to work with applicants on the schemes before dropping the refusal hammer. On top of all of this, more pressure on ecology and biodiversity has caused delays with the added extra costs of more specialist consultants. This has all collided to mean the industry and companies within it, like CK Architectural, have to adapt within it.

Ultimately, the main changes that are being made by the CK Architectural group are geographical. By closing certain arms of the business and liquidating as necessary throughout this, we are able to strengthen our team across the areas of Yorkshire that we do still operate in, enabling us to create the best building designs, provide more build support/protection through management, and provide superior technical building regulations drawings.

We are adapting to the challenges that residential construction now faces rapidly, developing our tools, skills, team and the way that we operate all to ensure success for us and for our clients for many years to come.

Most importantly of all, thank you to all of our clients, past and future, for continuing to support us throughout, and we look forward to designing with you again soon.